New Year, New You?

New Year - New You?

As we enter into a new year, it is common to look ahead to the future with hope, excitement, expectations, and of course- resolutions!  Will 2010 be the year that I lose that last extra 5, 10, or 15 pounds?  How about quitting smoking, or sweets once and for all!  Maybe this would be a great time to learn a new language, or become a better cook, or skier, or sister, or wife! New Years resolutions can be a fantastic reason to evaluate one’s lifestyle and decide if any changes need to be made.

However, I have found in the past that New Years resolutions can be very challenging because I often set my expectations too high.  According to Psychology Today, the most common New Years resolutions are to lose weight and exercise more.  My advice would be to start small and be specific!  Create goals for yourself that you can build on, and keep track of your successes.  In addition, the key to keeping a successful fitness and exercise routine going is to enjoy the exercise. Discovering positive outcomes to your efforts like fitting into your favorite pair of jeans or decreasing your weight is a great boost, but if you are bored or not challenged by your exercise program it is unlikely that you will stick with it.  So keep your exercises fun and creative!

Our valley is bountiful with opportunities to get out there and mix things up, so grab a friend and try something new.  Now that it is winter, go out and enjoy the snow!  Take your family sledding- walking up and down the sledding hill is a great workout, or visit one of your favorite hiking trails and see it in a whole new, wintery way.  Just because it is cold, doesn’t mean that you have to drive- strap on a pair of stabilizers and some warm clothing and walk to your destinations.  Take a yoga class.  Don’t forget about all of the fitness training that I offer to individuals and groups.  Start off your resolutions with a little professional direction and advice to begin your journey into a fantastic, active, and healthy 2010.  Good luck and happy New Year!

• Have you ever had great success that started with a new year’s resolution?  Tell me about it!  Leave a comment below and share your resolution and what made it a success!


Co-Founder | Nutritionist

Lisa is the Co-Founder and Nutritionist at Tuesday Foods. Always dressed for action in her workout clothes, Lisa found her calling as a fitness and nutrition expert from her background in the sport of gymnastics – learning early on that how you feel, and how well you perform is directly related to what you eat, and how you move your body every day. A former competitive gymnast and coach, Lisa holds a BS in Exercise Physiology, a MS in Nutritional Science, and is a Certified Nutritionist and Health Coach.

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