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May Ultimate

Welcome to The Ultimate Wellness Circle May!

This month’s health and fitness topics include:

  • “How To Meditate (even if you think you can’t)

  • 5 Minute Guided Gratitude Meditation

  • Ultimate Workout Playlist: Created by Flywheel star, Elizabeth Hill.

  • 10 “Mother’s Day Brunch” Recipes

  • “15 Minute Gut Buster Workout” for beginners and advanced exercisers.

  • Foam Roller and Stretch Routine

Scroll down to see all of your content for May!


Hi everyone…..Welcome to The Ultimate Wellness Circle May!

May is all about Music, Mediation, Mother’s Day and More!

Simply scroll down this page to access all of your recipes, workouts, stretches and your bonus content!

May Recipes


Mother’s Day is this weekend!

In case you need some recipe inspiration, here are a few of my favorites that I think would be perfect for the occasion.

View Recipes Online

Download The Recipes


May Workouts


One of my go-to workouts combines intervals of 4 cardio moves with 7 core-sculpting moves. This 15 minute “Gut Buster” workout is an efficient and effective way to melt belly fat and improve core strength, and chisel the abs

15 Minute Gut Buster (Beginner)

15 Minute Gut Buster (Adv)

Foam rolling, also known as self-myofascial release, helps release muscle tension by making the top layers of tissues more flexible.

Foam Roller and Stretch Program


May Bonus Content

  1. Rockstar Playlist from Flywheel star, Elizabeth Hill (My future sister in law!)

  2. “How To Meditate Even If You Have Tried A Million Times Before”

  3. 5 minute guided Gratitude Meditation, from yours truly!


Meet Elizabeth Hill

Based in Los Angeles, Elizabeth Hill is a Talent Development Director, Master Indoor Cycling Instructor and bonafide DJ at Flywheel Sports. She teaches highly sought-after, energetic classes which have been described as, “amazingly fun, you forget you’re working so hard.” Elizabeth has also been a Psychotherapist in private practice for over a decade.


5 Minute Gratitude Meditation

from yours truly!

How To Meditate (Even IF You Think You Can’t)

When I meditate my day goes better.  I have more energy and I feel less stress. I am more creative and focused in my work. I am more compassionate with myself and others. Meditation, even ten minutes in the morning gives me a sense of ease and positivity that carries me through the day.

Many of my clients resist starting meditation because they they "don't have time", they “can’t sit still” or they don't think they are "doing it right".

I can totally relate to all of those challenges! For years, I just dabbled with my meditation practice. I KNEW that meditation was an important key to my overall health and wellness, in the same way that exercise and nutrition are essential components.  But I didn't have the same powerful habits in place for daily meditation as I did for my exercise and nutrition routines.  Creating the HABIT was the key for me to finally start meditating daily even though I had tried a million times before. 

My practice is super simple:

I wake up an hour earlier than the rest of my family.  (Don't worry,  You can meditate at any time of day that works for you!)  It just works best for me first thing in the morning, and I find that I am more rested after meditation, than if I got that extra hour of sleep.  I get a cup of coffee, and sit down in the same spot every day, spine aligned, legs crossed.  I bring my attention to my breath.  Sometimes I use a mantra like 'So Hum', if my mind is really wandering around and I need to gently steer it back to my breath. My goal is to meditate for 5 minutes, but I usually sit for 20-30 minutes.  That's it!

Here's how to get started:

  • Get Settled: Find a quiet place where you can relax.

  • Breathe deeply: Take five deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth, on the last exhalation, close your eyes.

  • Check in: Settle into your body. Align your posture and take notice of how your body feels.

  • Scan your body: Turn your mind inwards and take note of your body from head to toe, acknowledging any tension, and relax those areas. Then turn to your thoughts, notice what comes up without trying to alter them.

  • Bring your attention to your breathing: You can count each breath, one (in), two (out), three (in) and so on, or use a mantra. If you notice your mind wandering just gently bring your mind back to the counting or the mantra

Sometimes, I listen to meditation music on Pandora.

Sometimes, I use guided meditations.  Here are a few resources that I love:

I have a sweet, 5 minute gratitude meditation for you at the top of this message:  Practicing Gratitude

On the rare occasion that I do miss my practice - I am just not at my best.  But don't just take my word for it!  There is plenty of scientific evidence that suggests that meditation affects the brain and the body in positive ways;  Check out the research in the articles below:

What does your meditation practice look like? (Don’t worry if it’s not consistent). Or what questions do you have about meditation? I would love to hear from you!

Peace & deep breaths,


Earlier Event: April 1
April Ultimate
Later Event: June 1
June Ultimate